June 25, 2012

Solve Complex Computations in the Report

Reporting tool is good at chart & form design, style of landscaping, query interface, entry & report, and export & print. It is one of the tools that are applied most extensively. However, there are quite often complex computations in the report, which raises a very high requirement for technical capabilities of report designers, and is one of the biggest barriers in report design. esProc can cooperate with Java reporting tools and solve with ease the complex computations in the report.

June 18, 2012

Feature code2:Complete flow control

  • Complete flow control, including the branch judgment and loop statement, nested multiple branches, and multiple recursions.
  • The logic control is implemented with a language similar to BASIC. Compared with JAVA/C++ and other high level languages, the language of esProc requires a far lower knowledge level to start learning.

  • June 14, 2012

    Feature code1. Natural stepped-computing

  • Cells can hold the result and is stepwise by nature.
  • The intermediate result can be referenced by row and column numbers. This is much simpler than the traditional scripts.
  • Stepwise computation is not supported in SQL, and thus the computation complexity is increased
  • June 12, 2012

    Suppliers who can Supply Same Parts


    The table below is about a supplier and the parts he can supply. The sno field in the table refers to the number of suppliers and pno refers to the number of parts.

    The key to this problem is to find out all pairs of suppliers who can supply the same parts.

    June 7, 2012

    Stock Rise to the Limit for 3 Consecutive Days in a Month


    To list the daily closing price record of a stock exchange in a month, in which the , CODE column is used to contain the stock code, DT is the date, and CL is the closing price level.

    Please select out the stock rise to the limit for 3 consecutive days in this month. In order to avoid the error caused by rounding off, the rate of rise-up limit is 9.5%.

    June 5, 2012

    Commodities with Longest Accumulated Out-of-Stock Time in a Month


    The tables below are from a simplified supermarket stock control system. To check if the purchase policy is proper, the supermarket needs to find out the commodity with the longest accumulated out-of-stock time in 6 months. The supermarket opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 9:30 p.m. The out-of-stock time of non-business hours will not be counted. The desired table is as follows:

    June 3, 2012

    Commodities out of Stock by 5 p.m. for over 10 Days per Month


    The tables below are from a simplified supermarket stock control system. To make sure that the purchasing strategy is proper, the supermarket needs to know the commodities run out of stock by 5 p.m. for over 10 days in a month. The desired tables are as follows:
    The table below a commodity list to record info of various commodities.